LJ Cunningham

Smash White Supremacy

Smash white supremacy and make a statement. Make it fashion. White supremacy symbols are old, anti-LGBTQ, and unsustainable. Anything can be a protest with the right optics. I do not own the rights to any of these images, but if you think you do, talk to Canva, not me. Please and thank you so much.

Post Published: November 11, 2024

Steal these images!

black background with united states red and white stripes leading to outline of men in white saluting a flag. words in foreground in red read pro abort patriot
black background with white cap and bow tied like a woman's bonnet. words in red beneath it reads, pro abort pilgrim
black background with white jesus on the cross. white words read: schluss mit der wissen vorherschaft which is roughly, end white supremacy
black background teal wolf facing left. words in teal below read: das sonnenrad ist stromlos in german. In english, it translates to the sonnenrad is de energized. the sonnenrad is a fake rune made up by nazis during the third reich.
red background with four teal fleur de lis, one on top, right, left, and center bottom parallel to top. end white supremacy in english and teal sits near the bottom of the image above the bottom fleur and below the right and left teal fleur de lis
teal back ground with image of sun rising over waves in black. words in german reads das sonnenrad ist machtlos. in english, the sun wheel is powerless.
black background and teal words and images. triple moon goddess symbol near bottom with english smash white supremacy at bottom
black background. a teal book is open on the bottom of image with initials LJC beneath. A book opening at the top margin in red has flowers reaching down toward the teal book. In the middle in an arch white words in german: blut und boden ist ein marchen. in english, blood and soil is a faerie tale.
black image against black. five pointed star facing up which is a pentacle and not a pentagram, which is pointed down is encircled. in black words in english: smash white supremacy
black background with teal words read: smash white supremacy. this is the so called symbol of life a geometric shape hitler tried to find the secrets of the universe with. ha
that one pope with legally illegitimate children in red against black. words underneath read pro abort pope
Teal background image of the holy mother the virgin mary with the word abortion beneath. she is looking downward, with a young and white looking face, with halo and head covering.
two colonial women in black appear to be having a discussion. A little child in a dunker's hat is holding a woman's hand. behind them appears a colonial scene of houses and a man. the word abortion in black is underneath
black background with teal rune for life with "abortion" in english
red background with black sacred heart of jesus reads: decolonise.
teal background with red image of early colonial structure in salem, mass united states. reads in read decolonize
black background with red image of dutch windmill. in teal underneath: "decolonise"
black background with red image of christopher columbus looking forward as if at viewer. reads de-colonise. in red under columbus
black background with red upside down columbus reads below his head: genocide sucks
teal background with image of angel outlined in black. end white supremacy in black lettering. angel has arms outstretched with what appears to be signs of light coming from their head and feathered wings.
black background and red image of former queen anne of great britian. pro abort monarch in red at bottom
teal background and simple cross with words end white supremacy
black background and red image of edward the longshanks plantagenet, the so called hammer of the scots reads in red letters at bottom pro abort monarch
black background with black outline of thor's hammer reads smash white supremacy in black under the hammer
teal background with black outline of thor's hammer with black text reading under hammer: smash white supremacy
teal background with black outline of Thor hammer reads smash white supremacy beneath hammer
image of angel outlined in red. they're facing left and appear to be holding a trumpet. they're wearing a long robe and have feathered wings. words in red underneath read smash white supremacy
white background. angel outlined in red faces left and blows trumpet. words beneath in red read smash white supremacy
front facing thor is framed by a circle. he is wearing a crown with horns and has full beard and mustache. smash white supremacy in black underneath
black background with teal of Norse god with staff, seated. he has a bird on his shoulder and a wolf forward facing. God looks right. smash white supremacy under image. both in teal
forward facing white featured jesus outlined in black with circular halo. in red lettering smash white supremacy
black background with thor on a charriot outlined in red. his chariot is drawn by two goats and is facing right. lightning bolts shoot out from him and clouds surround his wheels. in teal below smash white supremacy
black background. teal outline of marie antionette looking left and upwards in pears and big hair. pro abort monarch in teal at bottom
black background. red outline of henry viii tudor. pro abort monarch below. he faces left and is forward facing
black background outline of former king of england, ireland, and scotland, james vii and first reads pro abort monarch. he faces left but appears to be side eyeing the front with a hat on
black background and red outline of anne boleyn. she faces and looks left. pro abort monarch in teal underneath
teal on teal anne boleyn pro abort monarch
black with red outline of profile of queen elizabeth i. she faces right. pro abort monarch in red under image
black background and red outline of 1st us president george washington. red lettering reads pro abort patriot.
black background. teal outline of front facing benjamin franklin. pro abort patriot underneath in teal
black background red outline of thomas jefferson. he faces right. pro abort patriot
red background. thor outlined in black, forward facing. reads in teal: love trans people
red background with black outline of thor. love trans people in teal letters in english language
teal background with left facing valkyrie in black outline reads there are no chauvenists in valhalla in Norweigen: det er ingen sjaveister i valhalla
there are no chauvenists in valhalla in norweigian with black letters and black outline of left facing valkyrie head profile. det er ingen sjåvenister i valhalla
teal background. black outline of jesus with arms outstretched. in red underneath in english love trans people
valhallassa ei ole sovinisteja there are no chauvenists in Vallhalla Finnish language. teal background and black outline of a valkyrie and black lettering
there are no chauvenists in valhalla finnish language. teal background. black words and image outline of valkyrie profile facing left
old russian there are no chauvenists in valhall in black with outline of left facing falkyrie. teal background
there are no chauvenists in valhalla in russian language in black against teal background. image of head of left facing valkyrie outlined in black
white background with black outline of thor. love trans people in red english underneath.
white background. black outline of forward-facing thor. in english and red below: love trans people
the word anti-racist in scots gaelic in white with black background beneath a unicorn and the constellation gemini in teal above the unicorn ana-cainnt
Irish word for antiracist: frithchranach in teal beneath white outline of left facing Irish hare. teal constellation for sagittarius at top. black background
antiracist dutch. black barckground with white outline of male lion roaring facing left. above in teal is the leo constellation. lettering also in teal antiracistisch
french-canadian antiracist image. black background. outline in white of beaver facing left. in teal: antiraciste. also in teal above white beaver is the constellation for cancer
french antiracist. black background. a left facing white cock/rooster stands above the word antiraciste. above in teal is the constellation leo
black background. outline in white of howling wolf facing right. in teal underneath antirazzista in Italian language. above the wolf also in teal is the constellation gemini
black background. white outline of left facing mockingbird. antyrasyst s'kyy antiracist in ukrainian language in teal with teal constellation for virgo
antiracist in russian language. black background with white outline of bear facing left. in teal antirasistskiy. above bear in teal is constellation capricorn
black background with white outline of bull. antirracista antiracist in spanish language. above bull in teal like the words is the constellation taurus
american antiracist. black background with outline of left facing eagle in white. antiracist in english language beneath eagle in teal. above the eagle is the constellation capricorn
polish antiracist black background with outline of eagle swooping downward facing left. in teal antyrasistowski in polish language. above eagle in teal is constellation scorpio
antiracist german. black background with two headed national eagle of germany. in teal, beneath: antirassistisch. above in teal is the constellation taurus
black background. white outline of bird facing left, flying. andkynþáttahatari in teal. above the bird is the constellation in teal for gemini. icelandic antiracist
antiracist in swedish. black background with white outline of right facing elk. in teal beneath: antirasist. aboe the elk is the constellation gemini
black background. white outline of right facing male lion on hind legs. antirasistisk in norweigian in teal beneath the lion. above lion in teal is constellation of gemini in teal
black background. left profile and forward facing bear in white.antirasistinen antiracist in Finnish language. above bear is teal constellation ursa minor
black background teal orange with one leaf. In Dutch, "colonization is a mistake."
black background teal orange with one leaf on top. All genocide is bad in Dutch/teal



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